One such was about a little black goat, and starred the same boy star who had been in Treasure Island, Bobby Driscoll, who was perhaps about my own age. I suspect that I may have been a little jealous of his fame and fortune, and was somewhat brought up short some time later on, when I read that he died alone and undiscovered for days in a tenement in a ghetto in NYC somewhere.
Anyhow, Blogger Girl and I went for a local bike ride and found this little fellow bleating up alongside the fence in a herd of Longhorn cattle, lots of other goats, and an emu. It reminded me of that movie, and a simpler, gentler time that I suspect many of us older people miss.
In honesty, it may have been a little black sheep. It's been a long time since I saw it.
I wonder if that film is available anywhere... I don't remember.
Let's catch up sometime.
I don't remember the Disney movie you mentioned, but I do long for the simpler, gentler times you mention. But as we both know, you can't go back. Too bad.
I just looked, and the movie was released in 1948---before the time of some of you youngsters. I had forgotten that Burl Ives was in it.
Burl sang in the choir of the church where my Grandfather was the pastor. Not many people know that. [or care, but what the hey] fin
This one was a very handsome and outspoken fellow!
I suppose all farm kids knew they scratched themselves with their hind hoofs in the manner of a flea-bitten hound, but it surprised me.
Have I mentioned recently how much I enjoy this part of Dixie, and biking through it with you? Thanks for your patient company.
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