Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here We Go Again

A New Year has begun with quite a bang. I have had to leave the warmth of Dixie and the Blogger I love so much to return to a frozen yard and oil-filled house. Bills await.

I do hope some of my former JS readers will wander by and say hi.


GirlBlogger said...

Looks like you couldn't sleep. I hope you've managed to fall back off again. Is the yard frozen?

I love you.

GirlBlogger said...

Oh, and congratulations on getting the new blog up and going. Wonderful.

John0 Juanderlust said...

Hola. Here we are and here we go again.

Fin said...

Hi y'all. Yup, yard is frozen, pump hose is frozen, driveway and ramp are frozen, and so apparently is the claims division at State Farm. How inconvenient of me to have a problem on a Saturday!

Sunny said...

I found you too! Heheee....I went to Bethany's and knew I could find your new blog-link there :)

BenB said...

Ummm, I must have missed whatever happened. I know you wrote you got a call and that your furnace or something was smoking. What's going on a Fin Towers and what actually happened?
Just found your journal here!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fin, just stopped by to say hello and wish you a happy new year! Sounds like you're having a bit of trouble at home though, sorry to hear that.

Glad you found your way here and the JS family is growing ever stronger again.

Good luck with your house, my friend.

AK™ said...


susananne said...

Good to see you Fin and yeah ive seen the prices of the cruise and they are pretty steep, although they have had some good discounts lately..

Anonymous said...

The cruise prices I saw were $34 a day for the twelve night cruise. That is per person for a couple after on-board credit. Basically a couple could vacation close to a week and a half in Europe for US $800. fin