Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Going Home --------- Or NOT

As I said in a comment recently, I have now achieved a mental state in which I feel like I am going home, whether I am northbound or opposite. The sad converse of this is that I am also leaving home each time I make the trip. And it is always a rather intense emotional experience.

Several additional factors are influencing my mood today. My almost-brand-new dell laptop has eaten its insides, fortunately well within the fix-in-the-home warranty period, but still leaving an internet addict feeling like an alcoholic in the drunk tank. The good news---really really good news is that the hard drive with hundreds of hours of work on it, (some but not all backed up, at least until the frantic efforts when the dead dell returned briefly to life again) seems intact and working well. The tech who was supposed to call yesterday for an appointment was not able to do so because of a huge AT&T outage which affected a wide area (land lines included) and also knocked out internet for the backup laptop).

Next, after only one night of aloneness, the thought of a series of them back to back is certainly unwelcome. Furthermore, the severe winter on LI has had its effect on my poor empty house and I face at least two problems upon my return in a few days. I am very grateful meanwhile to my conscientious neighbor who has been so diligent in looking after the place, and keeping me abreast of the developments there so that I am not blindsided by them upon my return.

This is a photo of what awaits me.


Dorrie said...

hm, I'm beginning to think you should become a permanent snow bird and reside south....

Fin said...

There is much that is attractive about that decision. However, it is almost impossible to pick a worse time to try to sell a house in the US right now. Five MILLION Americans will lose their homes this year alone.

Ties to kids and THEIR kids are also a factor, as you yourself know full well. My airplane still sits shivering on its tiedown and wondering when we will return to slip the surly bonds again.

There are also personal ties to medical practitioners, banking personnel, barbers and SO many others that one deals with- and has done for over 4 decades -that are not always easy to replace.

One might well wish it were easier. I think you came to grips with something similar when you decided to remain in Europe.

Fijufic said...

I recall the conversation about LI and your neighbor.

I suspect you wind up in Dixie for a long time...

Cheers buddy.


Lowandslow said...

As I always tell my snowbird friends in the middle of a swealtering Texas summer, "At least we don't have to shovel sunshine." Stay warm, my friend. :)


Fin said...

Thanks Scotty. It has been really hellacious up yonder, with more forecast shortly. In all my trips back and forth, I have seldom had any hiccups in the air and connections etc, but something tells me --- this could be the time!!

BethanyC said...

It looks and continues to look VERY cold.

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