Hi Fin ~ Me too, remembering....and praying.
Me too Fin- Me too.
Hello Fin. We remember and pray.
The center of the storm hit the Magnolia state and proceeded up inland to the state capital.In the three southern counties, ninety four thousand homes were destroyed.And the prez goes to another state to mark the anniversary.
We are bracing for a big a big whack here....I have to prepare way in advance because I have several houses to defend. Earl could be coming our way and I'm not messing around.
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Hi Fin ~ Me too, remembering....and praying.
Me too Fin- Me too.
Hello Fin. We remember and pray.
The center of the storm hit the Magnolia state and proceeded up inland to the state capital.
In the three southern counties, ninety four thousand homes were destroyed.
And the prez goes to another state to mark the anniversary.
We are bracing for a big a big whack here....I have to prepare way in advance because I have several houses to defend. Earl could be coming our way and I'm not messing around.
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