Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Martha's Vineyard


Fin said...

Close, but not quite Provincetown.

Oh well, it was a good effort.

BethanyC said...

Wish I could have sat in the co-pilot seat. :)

Fin said...

Me too....SOOO much!!

Fijufic said...

I have never been but I hear it is very nice.

Fin said...

Bobbz - You'd love it.

intelliwench said...

Didn't get to the Vineyard when I was up that way, due to my encounter with the deer...but maybe next time. I loved the area!

Sunny said...

Beauteeeful country up that a way!
Such a lovely view you posted, too :)

Fin said...

Thanks Ladies. I was supposed to go meet some friends up on the Cape, but new, state-of-the-art technology broke down (and not on MY end either, this time) so the trip was just an "almost" this time. But it was a stunningly beautiful day for flying.