Saturday, April 3, 2010

No Old Bold

See comments for text.


Fin said...

The saying is that there are old pilots and bold pilots, but no old bold pilots.

They also say experience is the best teacher.

My joyous anticipation of a BLT on toast at Bethany's Cafe was shattered as I looked down and saw this sight. A fogbank stretched ten or more miles to the south, and east, and west along the south shore of the island from which I had just flown.

Fin said...

Other planes were blissfully coming and going, as there was perhaps a two mile gap between the nearest tendrils and the runway, but nobody on the radio could affirm whether the bank was receding, stationary or Uh OH.

It vividly reminded me of another visit, many years ago in the company of several wives of friends. The four of us were happily gazing from the overlook at the Southeast lighthouse when we looked west and saw a huge fogbank slowly approaching both islands.

Fin said...

Long story short, we tore back to the airport and encountered a mad scramble which looked like a carrier strike, as dozens of small aircraft fired up and tore for the runway, some with seatbelts frantically clanking on the fuselage as they hastened to get out while they could still do so legally.

We landed at the nearest LI Airport and had a two and a half hour wait for one of the husbands to come and fetch us. Had to take a day off work and engage another pilot and plane to go retrieve the one we left behind.

And that's why coastal fog is a real attention getter, generating a 9.5 pucker factor.

And now I've got to make my

Fin said...

own darn BLT.

BethanyC said...

Scary. But, nice photo.

Wizardress said...

That is scary- but it is a pretty picture.
I hope you've got that BLT by now :)

Fijufic said...

My buddy lives in Warwick RI You all took it in the chops w this last storm.

Nice pics by the way. Would love to learn how to fly....