Monday, April 19, 2010

Another view


BenB said...

That looks like something out of a nightmare - almost evil in appearance.

Fin said...

Couple million folks likely would agree with ya!

BethanyC said...

Very, very dramatic.

Fin said...

THAT, M'Dear, is what is sometimes called

wait for it


At least it would be if one were there in person, with full surround sound, 360 degree three dimensional views and sulphur smell to enhance the experience.

Anonymous said...

Other than "wow", I just cannot find words to describe such an scene.

BenB said...

Well, I wonder why the lightning activity is so abundant around it?

Dorrie said...

and that's the monster causing all the flight chaos in Europe. Ash still can't be seen, but it's there!

Fin said...

PPrune now way past one hundred pages on the subject, and that is after many posts have been deleted.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture... as long as I never see it in person! -Lu

Fin said...

It is likely UNlikely in Jackson County. At least let's hope so. I have seen smaller eruptions in Hawaii, Indonesia, New Zealand and yes, Iceland. But nothing like that!