Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Basset House Rules!

The basset is not allowed in the house.

Okay, the basset is allowed in the house, but only in certain rooms.

The basset is allowed in all rooms, but has to stay off the furniture.

The basset can get on the old furniture only, but has to stay off the new couch.

Fine, the basset is allowed on all the furniture, but is not allowed to sleep with the humans.

Okay, the basset is allowed in the bed, but only by invitation.

The basset can sleep on the bed whenever he wants, but not under the covers.

The basset can sleep under the covers by invitation only.

The basset can sleep under the covers every night.

Humans must ask permission to sleep under the covers with the basset.


Fin said...

This is almost freaky. We are up to number five.

tea said...

They are determined creatures, these animal friends.

Former-stray-kitten house rules: already she's up to number seven!

Dorrie said...

heehee cute entry fin

Chiang Guy said...

To bad Fin, looks like you have been outwitted by a basset hound!

Fijufic said...

Ha, be thankful he lets you in the house....

At least you know who is boss.


Fin said...
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Fin said...

All true!

If I had not seen and lived it myself, I would have thought it was about as likely as, well, as likely as falling in love with someone you have never met in person....

Chimp said...

The basset wants a vodka martini, up with olive, shaken not stirred, before going under the covers. Merry Christmas.

Fin said...

It isn't on the list, but today he climbed into the clothes dryer while chasing a towel. It was one of the funniest things I ever saw.

It was not just head and front paw....he went ALL the way in. Then there was a thumping and energetic scratching from inside and a rather chastened look on his face as he emerged only to splay four legs in four directions when he landed.

Sunny said...

Haha! Cute post, Fin! Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy, and a Safe NEW Year too. :)

Sunny said...

Hello ! Where are you? Time for an update !!

Keep warm and safe and well. :)

Anonymous said...

I rescued one last week. Would you like to adopt her?