Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ten From the Trip

From the thousand photos which I took in the last two weeks, I am going to post ten.

I will gladly answer questions about them and certainly willing to post more--if interest dictates. Remember, they can be clicked twice for more detail.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Been VERY Busy (Well, comparatively anyhow)

So I have been WAAAY underdosed on my internetting. Real life took hold here for a week and two adjacent weekends, and a lot of good things happened.

Blogger Girl got a vacation, and since Fin had neglected to bring his passport from Yankeeland to Dixie, he and then we planned a substitute trip in the USofA, where the value of the Euro is not a constant irritant and customs and passport control are not added to the already intolerable idiocy of the TSA.

We got all our irritation and bad luck out of the way on our first night, when arriving after a trip which took us from the Gulf Coast to North Carolina, and then to Phoenix and then to Flagstaff, the rental car which we had reserved was not there. We had been up since 3AM to begin this oddysey, and it was now six PM and we were not in the mood for corporate shenanigans.

Their position was here is what we have; take it or leave it. There were NO other car rental agencies open, so their bargaining position was pretty strong. The photo shows what they gave us on the right, and what Fin pounced on like a jungle cat the following morning, and in which we spent the next two thousand miles of motoring.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"A Little Travelin' Music, Ray"

As Jackie Gleason used to say on his television day, back in the day of 7 channel television.

One of the most enjoyable of many enjoyable aspects of being with Blogger Girl is sharing with her some of the places that I have visited and enjoyed in my past. These have included the North Island of New Zealand, Tahiti, Bora Bora, Maui and Mt Haleakala, the enchanting island of Bermuda and the mystical pyramid complex at Xuantanich in Belize.

She has shared her fun places with me as well, like West Texas, New Mexico, San Antonio, Austin, Lukenbach, TEXAS, and New Orleans, as well as the gorgeous barrier islands in the Gulf, from Dauphin to Deer Island.

One of the places I very much want to go with her is Banff, but I cleverly forgot my passport this trip, so instead we are going to see a little more of the US together. Next week we hope to visit the Grand Canyon, Sequoia and Yosemite in a car trip beginning in Flagstaff and ending in Sacramento. We are also looking forward to meeting an old journal space friend that we have never seen, and another that we HAVE seen, several times, several places.

I lived in California for almost two years, but have not returned, for more than a day or so, in almost fifty years. I am hoping we can manage to visit San Simeon, Monterey, Carmel and San Francisco along the way.